
  • Blotter Paper - Pack of  25

    Blotter Paper - Pack of 25

    ASTM D4285 - Standard Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air - Blotter Paper Significance and Use 2.1 Clean compressed air is required to prevent contamination of coating...
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  • Chromium6 test kits (includes 5 testkits)

    Chromium6 test kits (includes 5 testkits)

    With the unique MTEST chromium-6 test you can demonstrate with the same reliability as a laboratory whether a paint sample contains chromium-6. Moreover, this method has been officially validated by...
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  • Contractor Basic Inspection Kit

    Contractors require slightly different equipment than inspectors.  This modified version of the Basic Inspection kit Includes the tools that every contractor should have on site.   Many...
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  • A simple yet accurate device for monitoring movement in a crack (change in crack width, movement up/down on either side of crack)

Glue or fix across a crack and monitor movement in both directions, moving apart or laterally.  Simple easy to use and accurate.

    Crack Width Monitor

    A simple yet accurate device for monitoring movement in a crack (change in crack width, movement up/down on either side of crack) Glue or fix across a crack and monitor movement in both directions,...
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  • Comes with an:

Extech RH350- Relative Humidity, Dew Point, and Temperature

Surface Temperature Gauge - 0-150F

Spring Micrometer and 1 roll X-Course TestEx tape for Surface Profile

TQC SP-4085 SS 0-30 mils wet film comb

Paint Thermometer

Positest FM Banana Gauge for Dry Film Thickness

Lighted Inspection Mirror


This will get you through most inspection Jobs.

    Economy Inspection Kit

    Comes with an:Extech RH350- Relative Humidity, Dew Point, and Temperature Surface Temperature Gauge - 0-150FSpring Micrometer and 1 roll X-Course TestEx tape for Surface ProfileTQC SP-4060 SS 4-60...
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  • Ferroxyl Test Solution

    Ferroxyl Test Solution

    All GE railcars lined for food-grade service, or any stainless-steel components for any customer's cars that were affected during the abrasive blasting process.  THE PRODUCT IS MADE WHEN ORDERED...
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  • MTest Chloride Test Kit

    MTest Chloride Test Kit

    While we don't generally endorse specific ion testing, when you need to test only for chloride, this is the least expensive kit on the market.  It has an additional benefit of being able to run...
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  • Needle Pressure Gage

    Needle Pressure Gage

    The Clemtex Needle Pressure Gauge is designed to measure air pressure in blast hose and air hose. Proper use of this gauge will measure pressure drops that are responsible...
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  • pH Paper (0-14) 100 Tests

    pH Paper (0-14) 100 Tests

    Used for rapid pH testing directly at the point of interest, strips are always ready for immediate use. Designed for safe testing of dangerous, poisonous, or aggressive liquids Long handle...
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  • Potassium Ferricyanide  Test Papers

    Potassium Ferricyanide Test Papers

    Potassium Ferricyanide Test Papers cyanide Order with Potassium Ferricyanide Solution and papers (more stable and will last longer)     - Can ship same day Prodcedure.  Spray Steel...
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  • Potassium Ferricyanide Test Kit

    Potassium Ferricyanide Test Kit

    NEW-IMPROVED KIT Kit includes 100 small (4.25 cm) papers or 40 Large (11 cm) papers, 10 gloves, directions, and a spray bottle of KFE Solution in a carry case. A quick and easy method to test...
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  • Kit contains 3 Horizontal, 3 Vertical Rilem Tubes, 1/2 pound of putty, and a water bottle large enough to fill 3 tubes.  Save $100 off the Kersten Tube set.  An M-TEST Exclusive.

    Rilem Tube Kit

    Kit contains 3 Horizontal, 3 Vertical Rilem Tubes, 1/2 pound of putty, and a water bottle large enough to fill 3 tubes.  Save $100 off the Kersten Tube set.  An M-TEST Exclusive.
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  • 250 mil (approximately 8 oz) of wetting agent makes over 1 qt (1250 - 1750 ml) of water to help find smaller pinholes in thicker coatings.  Non-Film forming can be coated over once it is dry.  Do not use straight or it will not evaporate off the surface.

    Wetting Agent (250ml)

    250 mil (approximately 8 oz) of wetting agent makes over 1 qt (1250 - 1750 ml) of water to help find smaller pinholes in thicker coatings.  Non-Film forming can be coated over once it is dry...
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  • MTest X-Cut Template Kit.  Simplify X cut testing by using a template.  Includes both a Stainless-Steel Template and a Polyurethane Template.  Both are coated with a nonslip coating.

    X-CUT Template Kit

    MTest X-Cut Template Kit.  Simplify X cut testing by using a template.  Includes both a Stainless-Steel Template and a Polyurethane Template.  Both are coated with a nonslip coating...
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  • The biggest problem encountered when using HoldTight is the quality of the Washwater available at the site.  HoldTight, as with any cleaning product, works best with good quality water.  This kit contains the tests you need to run to make sure there are no water quality problems.  All the tests are quick and easy.

Kit Contains:

Oakton conductivity meter

Calibration solution

Hardness test strips - 0,   30,   60,   120,  180 ppm

                               <-- excellent - good - High -->

pH paper. - 4.5 to 10

Carry Case

    HoldTight Water Quality Test Kit

    The biggest problem encountered when using HoldTight is the quality of the Washwater available at the site.  HoldTight, as with any cleaning product, works best with good quality water. ...
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