
Surface Cleanliness Test Equipment

  • PosiTest® DT Dust T

    PosiTest® DT Dust T

    PosiTest® DT   Dust Tape Test Assesses the quantity and size of dust particles on blast cleaned surfaces in accordance with ISO 8502-3 Includes all report forms and accessories required for dust tape testing in accordance with...
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  • Chlor*Test CSN

    Chlor*Test CSN

    CHLOR*TEST was developed for ease of use and to prevent outside and cross contamination. The components are premeasured to ensure accurate results in parts per million and micrograms per square centimeter. In addition, no temperature correction is...
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  • Abrasive Test Kit - Chloride and/or ASTM D4940

    Abrasive Test Kit - Chloride and/or ASTM D4940

    ASTM D4940 Abrasive Contamination Test Kit.   DI or distilled water is not included in these kits.  This can be purchased at most drug stores or supermarkets for about $1.50 per gallon. We offer 3 verisions of the kit. 1) (Conductivity)...
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  • MTest Chloride Test Kit

    MTest Chloride Test Kit

    While we don't generally endorse specific ion testing, when you need to test only for chloride, this is the least expensive kit on the market.  It has an additional benefit of being able to run both chloride and total salts with the same sample...
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  • Potassium Ferricyanide Test Kit

    Potassium Ferricyanide Test Kit

    NEW-IMPROVED KIT Kit includes 100 small (4.25 cm) papers or 40 Large (11 cm) papers, 10 gloves, directions, and a spray bottle of KFE Solution in a carry case. A quick and easy method to test for total salts.  Semi-quantitative by how much blue...
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  • Potassium Ferricyanide  Test Papers

    Potassium Ferricyanide Test Papers

    Potassium Ferricyanide Test Papers cyanide Order with Potassium Ferricyanide Solution and papers (more stable and will last longer)     - Can ship same day Prodcedure.  Spray Steel Surface with solution - wait 15 seconds and blot with...
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    The Bresle Kit – Sodium Chloride Test Kit complies with the ISO 8502-6 and ISO 8502-9 standards that describe the Bresle Method to assess the level of soluble salts using a Bresle patch or Bresle sampler, distilled water, and a conductivity gauge...
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  • Full  SST Kit


    PosiPatch Starter Kit For use with existing conductivity meters. Try the revolutionary, reusable PosiPatch with a low cost trial pack. The PosiPatch Starter Kit can be purchased with either a Standard or Flexible magnetic ring...
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  • Amine Blush Kit

    Amine Blush Kit

    The TQC Amine Blush Kit is a quick and easy amine blush test. Due to advanced research on suitable media, the TQC Amine Blush Kit is the easiest and quickest on the market. It is based on a double color change indicator.  This is the first Amine...
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    The TQC Spring Loaded Roller is used to perform objective dust tests according to ISO 8502-3 and eliminates human error by pressing with a constant force on the dust test tape. The ISO 8502-3 quantifies the quantity and size of dust particles on surfaces...
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  • Ferroxyl Test Solution

    Ferroxyl Test Solution

    All GE railcars lined for food-grade service, or any stainless-steel components for any customer's cars that were affected during the abrasive blasting process.  THE PRODUCT IS MADE WHEN ORDERED.  CAN ONLY SHIP GROUND IN US  THE LIFE OF...
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  • Soluble Salt Tester for measuring the concentration of soluble salts on metal surfaces
Measures the concentration of soluble salts (salt contamination) on metal surfaces in accordance with ISO 8502-6, 8502-9.

    SST Probes (No Kit)

    FEATURES   SIMPLE Conductivity probe specifically designed for ISO 8502-6,9 Displays test duration, sample temperature, conductivity (µS/cm) and surface density (mg/m2 or µg/cm2) Easy 1-2-3 gage interface guides users...
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  • Dust Tape Kit

    Dust Tape Kit

    The TQC Dust Test Kit according to ISO 8502-3 allows assessment of the quantity and size of dust particles on surfaces prepared for painting. Dust on blast cleaned surfaces can reduce coating adhesion, leading to premature coating failure and...
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  • DeFelsko PosiTector Flex Ring

    SST Standard or Flex Ring

    STANDARD RING - for flat surfaces or curved surfaces over 40 inches in diameter. FLEX RING - For flat or curved surfaces down to 4 inches in diameter. Smaller than list - look at the DeFelsko Bresle patches.    
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  • DeFelsko Bresle Patch

    DeFelsko Posipatch and Bresle Patch

    PosiPatch Reusable patch with Standard or Flexible magnetic ring PosiPatches (24) - for use with PosiTector SST PosiPatch Kits - SSTPATCHP24   PosiPatches (5) - for use with PosiTector SST PosiPatch Kits...
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